Food and Beverage Canada congratulates The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau you her recent re-appointment as Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.
Food and beverage is the largest manufacturing employer in Canada, collectively employing over 260,000 people. Total sector shipments, at over $112.4 billion, are the second largest of any manufacturing sector in the country.
FBC-ABC believes that industry and government have a shared goal – to ensure Canada has a thriving food and beverage manufacturing sector. FBC-ABC has identified three areas of work – Labour, Innovation and Regulation – that we believe are essential to achieving that goal and where shared leadership from both industry and government is required. Read our recommendations to Minister Bibeau on these three issues here.
FBC-ABC is a national association representing more than 1,500 food and beverage manufacturers from across Canada. FBC-ABC strives to support a strong business environment for our members and a robust food system for Canadians.